Your Satisfaction is Our #1 Goal


We source raw materials of the highest standard from the best suppliers in the world. The quality of materials directly affects the durability of our products and we never allow sub-standard materials in return for price discounts.


Our designs originate from the experiences of the men and women who use our work gear on the job. Our standard means every piece of gear is designed to meet every need of the user from appearance to usefulness in completing the job.


Our manufacturing and inspection processes are world-class and constantly improving. We do not allow short-cuts that might compromise the utility or durability of our work gear. Our single goal is to ensure that a user never worries about a workplace failure, no matter the work conditions.


We deliver our products on schedule, each time, all the time. We understand that time is money. Our customers are never concerned that they will be left high and dry or forced to find an alternate supply source.


Our administrative base in Hong Kong and working arrangement with governments around the globe allows us to identify workplace needs and potential distribution interruptions from one country to the next, taking the best from each experience and integrating changes in our products.


Our products and services are designed to meet the
most demanding needs of our customers.